!% -v8 !% -SDXes !% $MAX_VERBS=165 !% $MAX_LABELS=1100 ! Library Version: Inform 6 -- Release 6/12-beta1 -- Serial number 140724 !============================================================================ ! Configuration constants Release 2; Serial "170210"; Constant Story "Enlightened Master^"; Constant AMUSING_PROVIDED; Constant DEATH_MENTION_UNDO; Constant MAX_SCORE = 999; Constant TASKS_PROVIDED; Constant NUMBER_TASKS = 63; Array task_scores -> 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 69 9 9 9 39 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 99 9 9; Constant Headline "An interactive transcendence^"; !============================================================================ ! Include parser, new library messages, verblib Include "Parser"; Object LibraryMessages with before [; Attack: "That isn't your approach."; Buy: "Nothing is bought or sold here."; Climb: <>; Dig: "The ground is frozen here."; Drink: "You aren't thirsty."; Fill: "That doesn't work."; Jump: "You hop and accomplish nothing."; Kiss: "There are probably better ways to express your feelings of love and devotion."; Listen: "You hear the wind."; Mild: "Okay."; Pray: "You meditate."; Sing: "You chant a mantra of compassion."; Smell: "You smell nothing special, but life itself has a slight scent of lavender and nag champa."; Sorry: "Rather than being caught up in apologies and regrets, you try to maintain focus on future improvement."; Strong: "Your words are unheeded by the mountain air."; Swim: "Can't swim here."; Swing: "Nothing to swing from."; Taste: "Everything tastes delicious, with a slight undertone of ginger and fresh basil."; Think: goalssub(); return true; Wait: "You wait calmly."; Wake: "You are already alert."; Miscellany: if (lm_n == 38) "Not possible."; if (lm_n == 39) "This game world does not provide that level of detail."; ]; Include "verblib"; !============================================================================ ! Global variables Global clockoff = false; Global daynumber = 0; Global roll = 0; Global x = 0; Attribute shootable; Attribute gametarget; !============================================================================ ! Object classes Class Room with wintext 0, description "UNIMPLEMENTED ROOM DESCRIPTION", has light; Class Scene with wintext 0, description "UNIMPLEMENTED SCENE DESCRIPTION", before [; drop: "Mulitverse travel protip: do NOT drop your items while visiting alternate universes."; ], cant_go "Your presence in this branch of the multiverse is anchored to this scene, you must participate before you can leave.", has light; Class Decor with description "UNIMPLEMENTED DECOR DESCRIPTION", has scenery; Class Target with description [; if(self hasnt shootable) print_ret "The ", (name) self, " is not currently shootable.^"; x = 100 - self.difficulty + skill.shoot; if (x > 80) x = 80; x = x + skill.luck + (skill.nudge * skill.nudgeflag); if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x > 100) x = 100; print "You have a ", x, "% chance of hitting the ", (name)self, " and a "; x = self.risk - skill.shoot; if (x < 10) x = 10; x = x - skill.luck - (skill.nudge * skill.nudgeflag); if (x < 0) x = 0; print x, "% chance of losing your ball.^"; ], hitcount 0, value 25, risk 50, difficulty 100, hit [; self.hitcount++; em.points = em.points + self.value; print_ret "Hit number ", self.hitcount, " on ", (name)self, " +", self.value, " points^"; ], triggers [; ], newgame [; ], has gametarget, has scenery, has shootable; Class Prop with description "UNIMPLEMENTED PROP DESCRIPTION", has static; Class Character with description "UNIMPLEMENTED ACTOR DESCRIPTION", has proper animate; !=========================================================================== ! Game rooms, characters, props and objects, storyline and verbs Include "emroom.inf"; Include "emchar.inf"; Include "emobj.inf"; Include "emstor.inf"; Include "emverb.inf";